Assessment of Digital Technology Economy in A Developing Nation: The Digital Divide Implications - EURO GLOBAL CONTEMPORARY STUDIES JOURNAL (EGCSJ)

Issue: 6, Volume: 4, Year: 2024

Assessment of Digital Technology Economy in A Developing Nation: The Digital Divide Implications

Date of Publication : 25, Dec, 2024

Date Of Acceptance : 25 Dec, 2024

Author: AKINWAMIDE, Comfort Oluwasesan

Area of research / Subject: Assessment of Digital Technology Economy in A Developing Nation: The Digital Divide Implications

This study examined the assessment of digital technology economy in a developing nation: the digital divide implication. The benefits of technology with its advancement is beyond staying on the level of mediocrity for any average age person in this contemporary time. Students at every stage of academics are expected to have equivalent knowledge of technology and the ability to effectively handle the digital devices entailed. The study sort to find the reasons for gaps in the engagement of digitalization by some learners and instructors in the teaching and learning processes. 120 Senior Secondary School II (SSSII) Mathematics students from selected schools formed the sample for the study. Qualitative research of survey type was adopted and a validated reliable self-developed questionnaire tagged “Technology Literacy Assessment Questionnaire (TLAQ)” was used to collect data from students for the study. Findings showed that students’ area of interest in the use of phones, parents’ attitude to the use of phones by the students and the economic status of the parents, promoted digital divide. It was discovered that learners have interest in technology especially the use of phones but not in for academic activities. The economic status of parents and their technological awareness have been observed to promote digital divide. It was recommended that government should come to aid by providing needed devices and device- aids such as power supply as a source of reducing the extent of digital divide. Similarly, parents are to provide smart phone for their children for effective teaching and learning of Mathematics.  Learners should be guided towards the use of phones for academic purposes.

Key words: Digital Devices, Digitalization, Smartphone, Computer, Internet connectivity,

Cite this article:

Author(s),  AKINWAMIDE, Comfort Oluwasesan, (2024). “Assessment of Digital Technology Economy in A Developing Nation the Digital Divide Implications”. Name of the Journal:  Euro Global Contemporary Studies Journal, (EGCSJ.COM), P, 19- 28. DOI:  , Issue: 6, Vol.: 4, Article: 3, Month: December, Year: 2024. Retrieved from


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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) – 4.6 – 2024 – 3 – Assessment of Digital Technology Economy


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Keywords : Digital Devices, Digitalization, Smartphone, Computer, Internet connectivity,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 3 Download Page: 19-28


December 2024
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