Date of Publication : 31, Dec, 2022
The study investigated the effects of co-operative learning strategy on students academic achievement in Mathematics in secondary schools in Ondo West Local Government Area of the study also determined the effects of corporative learning strategy on gender achievement in Mathematics. Two research questions were raised and two hypothesis were generated to guide the study. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study referred to as pre-test post-test control group designed. A total of 114 senior secondary school two, Mathematics students took part in the study. Two intact schools were used and data on students Mathematics Achievement Test was used. The instrument has a coefficient of internal consistency of 0.78, t-test was used in analyzing the data. The findings revealed that co-operative learning strategy is more effective than conventional learning strategy. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Mathematics teachers in Ondo West Local Government state should use the cooperative learning strategy in their teaching of Mathematics.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Strategy, Mathematics, Conventional Strategy, Achievement,
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Author(s), ADEWUMI Abayomi Joseph (Ph.D), AKINNODI Phillips Akinrotimi (Ph. D), ADELOKUN Adesoji Kayode (Ph.D), (2022). “Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategy On Students’ Academics Achievement in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Ondo West Local Government Area of Ondo State”. Name of the Journal: Euro Global Contemporary Studies Journal, (EGCSJ.COM), P, 1- 8. DOI: , Issue: 6, Vol.: 2, Article: 1, Month: December, Year: 2022. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) – 2.6 – 2022 – 1 – Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategy On Students’ Academics Achievement in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Ondo West Local Government Area of Ondo StateKeywords :