Date of Publication : 15, Apr, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 5 April, 2021
Author: OJO, Eunice Abimbola (RN, RM, RNA, B.Sc, M.Sc. Soc, M.Sc. Nurs)
Co Author: AJAYI, Titilope Omoyemi (RN, RM, RPHN, BNSc), AGBONJIMI, Lawrence Adewale (RN, RM, RPHN, HND, BNSc, MPH)
Area of research / Subject: Determinants of Compliance to Family Planning Methods Among Female Teachers of Selected Primary Schools in Ogun State
The objective of the study was to evaluate the factors affecting the compliance to family planning methods among female teachers of selected primary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government, Ogun State. A descriptive design was used for the study and a multistage sampling procedure was used to select 83 participants for the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather data from research participants. Result of the study revealed that out of 83 respondents, 44.6% continuously practice family planning because it is easily affordable, 47% did not practice family planning unless their partner gives approval, 41% accepted that they cannot practice family planning until they have a male child, 10.8% did not practice because their religious inclination is against family planning, 13.3% practice family planning because of their job, 43.4% practice family planning because it is effective for them. It was also revealed that the female teachers of the selected schools obtained most of their information from media, family and friends. The factor that most influence their compliance to family planning methods is their partner’s approval. The result of the study further revealed that there was a positive relationship between the knowledge and compliance of family planning methods (r=0.799, p<0.00). There was also a significant relationship between identified factors and the compliance to family planning methods. (r=0.694, p<0.00). It was recommended among others that teachers should be encouraged through health enlightenment programmes by government or health facilitators on the benefits of child spacing.
Keywords: Compliance, Determinant, Family Planning, Female Teachers,
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Author(s), OJO, Eunice Abimbola (RN, RM, RNA, B.Sc, M.Sc. Soc, M.Sc. Nurs), AJAYI, Titilope Omoyemi (RN, RM, RPHN, BNSc), AGBONJIMI, Lawrence Adewale (RN, RM, RPHN, HND, BNSc, MPH), (2021). “Determinants of Compliance to Family Planning Methods Among Female Teachers of Selected Primary Schools in Ogun State”. Name of the Journal: Euro Global Contemporary Studies Journal, (EGCSJ.COM), P, 1- 13. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 1, Article: 1, Month: April, Year: 2021. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) – 1.1 – 2021 – 1 – Determinants of Compliance to Family Planning Methods Among Female Teachers of Selected Primary Schools in Ogun StateKeywords : Compliance, Determinant, Family Planning, Female Teachers,
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